Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Groundwater exploration surveys in Orting Washington

An exceptionally tough area to collect seismoelectric data in today!

Two roto hammer drill bits got stuck in clay and a 6 sounding survey which usually takes 1.5 to 2 hrs to complete took a little over 5 hrs.

Doesn't happen often but once in a great while the earths conditions rule.... 

Thank God we have an awesome field crew;
Aaron and Jason who got the job done! Thanks guys, you rock!

#OrtingWa #Clay #GlacialRock #GroundwaterSurveys #RockGeology #WaterWells #Drilling

Friday, May 22, 2015

Groundwater Issues...California's glass half full...

California's glass is half full....


#drought #groundwater #California #WellWater 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Federal Dollars Go To California for Drought Relief

Millions of #federal dollars go to help #California with #drought relief & focus on #conservation.

Locate the #water (#aquifer depth, yield & thickness) before #drilling begins. Contact us for a free consultation 800.251.2920


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Washington States Water Crisis.... Drought.

#Washington hit hard by #drought.

"#Yakima #Basin, the state’s most productive #farming region, have resorted to #rationing in order to extend #water supplies. In the Walla #Walla region, the authorities are shifting water “from #creek to creek” and even hauling the #fish upstream to cooler water, in an effort to preserve the #steelhead, #Chinook and #bull trout populations....."

Locate #well water before #drilling an #Agricultural or #residential well. #aquifer depth, yield & thickness. 800.251.2920


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Agricultural Groundwater Surveys in Indiana

Field tech, Jośe Villegas conducts a #seismoelectric #groundwater survey in Indiana this morning for a client in need of an #agricultural #well. 


  #Indiana #AgWells #Drought #water #LandSurvey 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Water Well Drillers locate the Water With the Seismoelectric GF6 Before Drilling Begins

Even in the absence of good calibration data the GF6 #seismoelectric #exploration technology can help #property owners, #well #drillers and #land #development companies identify the best place to #drill a new #water well.  A good example of the GF6' capabilities is this new well which is producing nearly 3,500gpm.

#Groundwater surveys and/or GF6 #technology (w/training) available worldwide. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Austin Chalk Oil Well Success!

It's a good day when we get texts like this from a company that hired us to locate oil! 

"We are in the Austin Chalk and have hit OIL and some natural gas!!!!!!! 20% florescence and  108 gas units!!!!! 40 ft of Pay Zone so far. We hit at 4230ft"


Friday, May 1, 2015

Seismoelectric Exploration Technology Sees Groundwater!

While we agree with some of the points in this article, Mr. Muerlrath is misinformed per his statement “Groundwater is much trickier. You can’t see it.”   Seismoelectric technology has been used to detect the aquifer, depth, yield and thickness (where the aquifer begins and ends) in California and around the world for over 14 years. And unlike other exploration technologies which are limited to determining variations in rock formations, the GF6 seismoelectric exploration system actually sees [detects] the mobile liquid whether it be water, oil or natural gas. We encourage Mr. Muerlrath, and your readers to learn more at

#SonomaIndexTribune Keep California Farming #drought #California #groundwater

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Successful oil well drilling after exploration with PetroLocate PL14 exploration technology

Updates on North Texas oil well drilling after using the PL14 seismoelectric exploration technology.   


#jacksboro #oilandgasnews #naturalgas #oilplays

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

PetroLocate PL14 oil and natural gas exploration technology

PetroLocate, as seen in Clean Energy Magazine

Visit for more information, surveys and/or PL14 equipment sales worldwide.

#NaturalGas #oildrilling #landmen #texasoilfields #OklahomaOil 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Deep seismic source systems for sale

AquaLocate now offers the DEEP SEISMIC SOURCE (Patent Pending Pub. NO.: US2014/0111207 A1

Used for generating a broadband seismic event for seismic and seismoelectric exploration.

-Spring actuated firing system
-Stabilizer system
-Machined stainless and steel components
-Powdered coated

Rate $3,800 plus shipping and handling
10% discount on bulk orders

To order contact Ervin M. Kraemer at 360-388-6035

#seismictools #seismicindustry

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Groundwater surveys in Haiti and California

Tomorrow I finish up training clients from #Haiti & #California who've purchased the #GF6 Seismoelectric #technology for #well #water exploration use in their own well #drilling #businesses. 

The GF6 detects the #Aquifer depth, #yield & thickness before drilling begins. 800.251.2920 

Worldwide GF6 sales and/or groundwater surveys.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

PL14 oil exploration technology confirmed by successful drilling/productive oil well

Attached is an image from a successful #oil #well drilled to approximately 2000 feet with the #pay zone confirmed with the PL14 after indicators were seen in a #seismic reflection study.  

"Drilled  this one last week and had a few thinner pay zones within this anticline (along with a few above it as well).” -Mike, Texas 


Contact Ervin direct for information about the PL14
Oil #exploration #technology 360.388.6035

#landmen #oilproduction

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

In oil and gas news... Oil is up today & exploration is key to lucrative oil plays

Oil is up.

Now is a great time to have a PL14 oil #exploration survey completed on your land to find out the approximate depth & thickness of any #oil #plays on your existing lease. 

Unlike traditional seismic technology, the PL14 Seismoelectric system sees the actual resistive liquid and does not need large tracks of cleared land to image deep oil or gas plays. 

Call me directly at 360.388.6035 if you need more information 

#DOW #gas-prices #oilandgasnews #oilplays #landlease #landmen#oilfieldservices #Halliburton #OilandGasNews #OilExploration

Sunday, February 1, 2015

GF6 Geophysical technology for Drought solutions in California and abroad.

Good grief! Talk about desert conditions! 

Today Ervin finishes up training a #driller in #Southern #California, just outside the #Yuma #ARIZONA  boarder. 

The client, Aung Linn plans on taking the GF6 Seismoelectric #groundwater location technology he purchased from #AquaLocate to #Myanmar to locate water (#aquifer #depth, yield & thickness) before he drills the #water #wells in his native country. 


#drought #FindWellWater #AgIrrigation #residential-water

Thursday, January 22, 2015

14 day groundwater survey trip to help Texas & Oklahoma Clients

The team concluded a 14 day client/#groundwater survey trip in #Oklahoma & #Texas late last night. 

They provided 3 clients with groundwater exploration surveys (#Aquifer depth, yield and thickness) and wrapped up 3 new GF6 sales. Now the real work begins...

Building the GF6 units and training the buyers. 

Thankful for our WA crew who are now prepared to conduct groundwater surveys on their own having been trained by Ervin M. Kraemer himself!

#WellDrilling #Water #geology #Drought


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Groundwater Surveys in San Angelo Texas

Today we are in San Angelo, TX completing a small #feasibility #study for a person interested in buying 170 acres. 

This #Seismoelectric #groundwater  survey will inform our client about the aquifer on the land. Specifically the #aquifer depth, #yield & thickness (where the aquifer begins and ends) without having to pay for #test #wells. 

Toll Free: 
Call Ervin Direct: 360.388.6035


#drought #AgIrrigation #watering-crops

Friday, January 16, 2015

Natural Gas exploration using the PetroLocate PL14 technology

Did you know the Seismoelectric PL14 is  an affordable and accurate #Natural #gas exploration as well as oil & #geothermal exploration. 


#NaturalGas #gas  #undergroundrock #geologicformations #hydrocarbon #reservoirs #coal #methaneclathrates. #Petroleum

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Training in Oklahoma on the Seismoelectric water,oil,gas exploration technology

Aaron from AquaLocate (center) trains new operators on the GF6 seismoelectric groundwater location technology in Lawton Oklahoma. 


#groundwater #exploration #LawtonOklahoma #seismic #seismoelectric

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Landman Find Oil on Thier Land

How can we help you locate the oil on your land?
This is how:
PetroLocate manufactures & distributes seismoelectric [PL14 & GF6] systems worldwide. We train individuals and companies how to properly implement the system for oil, gas, geothermal, well water exploration and well rehabilitation.  We provide exploration surveys under the responsible charge of a licensed and registered geophysicist and/or geologist where required by law. Contact me directly at 360-388-6035 or Toll Free at 800-251-3350
Seismic reflection exploration systems VS. GF6/PL14 seismoelectric exploration systems
 1) Seismic reflection requires miles of cleared land whereas a PL14 seismoelectric exploration survey can be accomplished on as little as one acre of land with minimal to no clearing.
 2) Seismic reflection is expensive- no argument there!
 Seismoelectric exploration is affordable for even a small land & mineral owner.
 3) Seismic reflection projects take months on end whereas a PL14 seismoelectric exploration can take less than one week to accomplish depending on the size of the property being assessed.
 4) Seismic reflection detects geologic structures whereas the PL14 seismoelectric system detects the presence of MOBILE resistive liquids. Are you looking for rock formations or are you looking to find the actual resistive liquids?
Patent Pending Pub. NO.: US 2014/0111207 A1

For more information contact Ervin directly at 360.388.6035 800.251.3350

Saturday, January 10, 2015

How does Seismoelectric technology work for oil & groundwater location (exploration)

Ervin M. Kraemer explains the GF6 seismoelectric groundwater location technology & how it works in laymens terms at the #NGWA  

Similar technology [ the PL14 ] is available for #oil exploration. 

Contact Ervin direct at 360.388.6035 for more information. 

#oilproduction #wellrehabilitation #gasprices #landmen #oillease

Friday, January 9, 2015

Oil Well Rehabilitation and Exploration Technology

PetroLocate manufactures & distributes seismoelectric [PL14 & GF6] systems worldwide. We train individuals and companies how to properly implement the system for oil, gas, geothermal, well water exploration and well rehabilitation.  We provide exploration surveys under the responsible charge of a licensed and registered geophysicist and/or geologist where required by law. Contact me directly at 360-388-6035 or Toll Free at 800-251-3350

Seismic reflection exploration systems VS. GF6/PL14 seismoelectric exploration systems

 1) Seismic reflection requires miles of cleared land whereas a PL14 seismoelectric exploration survey can be accomplished on as little as one acre of land with minimal to no clearing.

 2) Seismic reflection is expensive- no argument there!

 Seismoelectric exploration is affordable for even a small land & mineral owner.

 3) Seismic reflection projects take months on end whereas a PL14 seismoelectric exploration can take less than one week to accomplish depending on the size of the property being assessed.

 4) Seismic reflection detects geologic structures whereas the PL14 seismoelectric system detects the presence of MOBILE resistive liquids. Are you looking for rock formations or are you looking to find the actual resistive liquids?
Patent Pending Pub. NO.: US 2014/0111207 A1Oil Well Rehabilitation

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Oil production and prices going down...

Think about it, in years past high end geophysical exploration was limited (due mainly to cost) to large oil companies. High end accurate geophysical exploration is now within financial reach to nearly all oil producers large or small thro...ugh the use of the PetroLocate PL14 Seismoelectric O/G Exploration System. While drilling has slowed down, its a good time to take advantage of the most effective and affordable exploration technique on the market. When the price of oil goes up (and it will!), you can be ready to drill baby, drill.

#bakerhughsrigcount #oildevelopment #drillingforoil #gasprices #OPEC #exploration

Monday, January 5, 2015

heading out to #Oklahoma, #Texas and #California over the next few weeks to locate #well #water ( #aquifer depth, yield, & thickness before clients drill)

#2015 has begun with a full schedule of clients in need of our Seismoelectric #groundwater survey service. 

Our team team is heading out to #Oklahoma, #Texas and #California over the next few weeks to locate #well #water ( #aquifer depth, yield, & thickness before clients drill) and help them avoid dry or low yielding wells as the first step in the well drilling process. 
We can help you plan for your next well drilling project too, just give Ervin a call direct at 360.388.6035


#drought #surfacewater #howtodrillawell #findwater #drought #southwestwater 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Drop in oil and gas prices give cause for more affordable & accurate exploration technology

With the drop in the price of oil, the negative impact of a dry well has a much more significant financial impact that it did only six months ago.  The likelihood that the price of oil will stay depressed for at least the next few quarters makes accurate exploration information much more important.  The PetroLocate PL14 oil/gas exploration system cannot only improve accuracy but can also reduce the cost of exploration.


#oilprices #OPEC #petroleumexploration #texaslandmen #Americasoil